Day 5

Welcome to Day 5 of the 21 Day Rejuvenating Challenge!

Wake up Early


Write another 3 things you are grateful for .Remember you cannot use previously used gratitudes. 

One of the main benefits of writing gratitude is that it helps us shift our perspective. It's easy to get caught up in the challenges and stresses of daily life and lose sight of all the good things that we have. When we make a habit of writing down what we are grateful for, we train our brains to look for the positives, even in difficult situations. This shift in perspective can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and happiness.


Write with your non-dominant hand today's affirmation: The more I accept life exactly as it is, the more I get to experience true harmony and perfection.


Walking meditation is a powerful practice that can help us cultivate mindfulness and connection with our surroundings. It involves intentionally bringing our attention to the present moment as we walk, using our senses as anchors for our awareness. By engaging in a walking meditation, we can tap into the natural peace and stillness that is always available to us, regardless of our circumstances. This practice can be done anywhere, whether it's a park, a city street, or even inside our own home. Let's explore how to use a walking meditation and our senses to enhance our overall well-being.

When practicing a walking meditation, it's important to bring our attention to our senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell, and even taste. As we walk, we can take note of the colors and shapes around us, the sounds of birds chirping or cars passing by, the feeling of the ground beneath our feet, the scent of flowers or freshly cut grass, and the taste of the air. By focusing on our senses, we can anchor our awareness to the present moment and prevent our minds from wandering. This helps us become fully present in the experience of walking, allowing us to cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and our surroundings.

One way to incorporate our senses into a walking meditation is by using a technique called "noting." As we walk, we can mentally note the sensations we are experiencing through our senses. For example, we might note "seeing, hearing, feeling" as we take in the sights, sounds, and physical sensations of walking. This noting practice helps bring our attention back to the present moment whenever our minds start to wander. It can also help us develop a greater appreciation for the richness of our sensory experiences, even in the most mundane of activities. With practice, we can carry this heightened awareness into our everyday lives, allowing us to fully engage with each moment and find joy in the simplest of things.

*For Todays Meditation you will need some head sets to listen to while you are walking


Continuing on from the Walking meditation lets look at how releasing the foot can release tension through the rest of the body. Looking at the gait pattern through the foot , we explore Pilates exercises with the focus on the Talus bone. The talus bone, also known as the ankle bone, is indeed a weight-bearing bone in the human body. It sits between the tibia and fibula of the lower leg and the calcaneus (heel bone). The talus transfers the weight of the body from the shin to the foot, allowing for movement of the ankle joint. It plays a crucial role in walking, running, and other weight-bearing activities. Injuries to the talus can significantly impact mobility and stability.

Drink 2/3 lts water with Sole Water Solution made on day 1

Cold Shower

Can be anytime of the day. Dive in the ocean and immerse yourself in the cool refreshing waves?

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting using the 16/8 method involves cycling between a 16-hour fasting window and an 8-hour eating window. To start, choose a convenient time frame for your eating window, such as noon to 8 pm. During the 16-hour fasting period, consume only non-caloric beverages like water, tea, or black coffee to support hydration and reduce hunger. Break your fast with a balanced meal that includes protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to provide sustained energy. Throughout the 8-hour eating window, focus on nutrient-dense foods and avoid excessive processed sugars and refined carbs. Stay consistent with the timing, and over time, your body may adapt to this pattern, promoting better metabolism and potential health benefits. It's essential to listen to your body..

Healthy Eating increasing your protein

Check out Week 1 meal plan and recipes but remember to eat in the 8 hour window of fasting and keep drinking your water.

Before Bed: Self reflect What did you do Good today ?What felt easy? Do you have any resistance to the challange if so What?(re-read the benefits and you may feel differently ?

Sleep Well

Did you get your 8 hours ?

See you tomorrow at 5.30am

Complete and Continue